About Us
Douglas Greg, DMV, PHD
Piano Restorer & Tuner
Dr. Gregg is a veterinary pathologist, retired after 28 years working at Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA's research and diagnostic laboratory for animal diseases that don't exist in the United States. When a major disease was suspected in the country's livestock, such as Foot-and-Mouth Disease, or African Swine fever, Dr. Gregg helped diagnose it. He also taught many graduate veterinarians to recognize these diseases.
Dr. Gregg has been restoring pianos for nearly 20 years and teaches various restoration techniques at regional and national piano technicians guild conferences. Most recently, he presented a worshop on Modern French polishing in St. Louis,MO. His refinishing experience goes back 60 years with antique restoration.
He has worked on pianos played by Phillip Glass and Freddy Cole (Nat's younger brother) as well as a number of Steinway artists. He represents Steinway and Sons on the East end of Long Island as a technician and tuner for Steinway artists, Steinway customers, as well as about 500 private clients.
Dr. Gregg has published about 30 scientific veterinary medical articles and now continues to research, develop, and publish new techniques for piano restoration in the Journal of the Piano Technicians Guild. Such new techniques include voicing methods, refinishing, retouching, and more technical subjects like modern adhesives uses for piano work and modern methods of French polishing. He also has taught methods of solo piano moving that he uses often.